21 May 2018
NSProxy is a root class in Objective-C. yes, NSObject is not unique root class. From the definition of NSProxy we can think NSProxy as a simplified NSObject. It just implements protocol. As an abstract class, the methods need to be implemented by subclass. One of them forwardInvocation: is the most key method of this class, and it can implement a part of feature of fowarding message.
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20 May 2018
I often encounter a problem in my work, that the value from json of server response is not match client’s data structure, in paticular PHP server. The result of this problem is application frequently crashing. So in order to solve this problem, I designed a serises of ways to try.
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15 May 2018
The Apsect Oriented Programming (AOP) is usually used in backend development. But it's more and more popular in clients programming recent days.
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14 May 2018
The process of live video streaming: The broadcaster (smart phone, OBS or other device) puts streaming from caputure or media resource to source server in Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP).
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